Build Web Components at lighting-fast speed.

Without sacrificing any chicken 🐤.

Start building web components with zero configuration with React class-based components

Find Out More

We've got what you need!

Open Source With MIT Licence
Zero configuration (No Grunt Gulp or Fart needed)
React Styled API
Powered by Lit-html
Easy to integrate and configure
Written in typescript

Get Started!

Lets get started!!

Easy API

Easy React class component style API. with similar lifecycle events and completely Hackable

Zero configuration

No need of any fancy build tools work with just js modules

Powerful templating

Powered by Lit-html and built in own templating engine.

Made with Love

Its really open source and made with Love for developers

Start using with npm or yarn

npm install componentforge

Or with CDN

import {Component , html , Tag} from '';


Use Cases

  1. Internal Legacy Apps like PHP JSP Etc.
  2. Use with CMS like Wordpress, AEM, Sitecore, Umbraco, Sharepoint Etc.
  3. Creating Cross Technology Widgets which we can distribute
  4. Re-useable Web components
  5. Write a single component when you have Polyglot frontend teams using different technologies (Angular , React, Vue, Etc.)

Let's Get In Touch!
